Thoughts from the Rev.

Jack Illustrated

Thoughts from the Rev.

Life moves at you fast, as one day you are just starting up your own podcast, coming on to other live steams and leaving comments, and then all of the sudden your podcast is featured in a hype video, and then you’re wearing a bunny suit, and now you’re sitting on a plane, writing a post for Jackrabbit Illustrated about meeting SDSU fans at Frisco and your upcoming trip to Brookings.  This might be a perfect spot for the needle scratching sound and a “you may be wondering how I got here” voice-over, but here we go.

I knew of SDSU as a kid, as my sister’s best friend’s family was from Mitchell, South Dakota and went to SDSU (also if you read this, hi), I used to see them fly the Blue and Yellow proudly outside of their house in Arlington, TX, and it was an image that stuck with me.  Fast forward 30 years and here we are, interacting with SDSU fans on message board and social media, and witnessing the rise to where SDSU currently stands, and in that time, I had become close friends with a gentleman by the name of Brendan (who was also the one that pushed me to start podcasting.  Thanks Brendan!).  Then the Spring 2021 season came around, and my alma-mater (the other Jacks that matter in FCS) sat it out, so by default I started rooting for SDSU in support for Brendan and got on the SDSU bandwagon. Since that point, I have viewed SDSU as my second favorite FCS team and was hoping to get a chance to watch them in person.

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2022 was the year for that, and it started off in an interesting manner as I had a guest on my podcast who insulted SDSU, which was counter to my high opinion, and we made the SDSU hype video.  Even with that, I stood fast with my thought that SDSU was the best team in FCS and would win in Frisco.  Fast-forward to December and we are planning for a party in Frisco with the JI fellas, and I had this idea to buy a bunny suit and wear it to the game, so I went for it.  I figured it would be a sure-fire way to get on ABC and have the FCS Fans Nation group get some screentime, and it worked.  Let me tell you, that made for some interesting conversations at TSA in Houston.

Arriving in Frisco on Thursday, I was pumped for the events at the Local with SDSU fans.  It was a very refreshing change from the norm of Frisco, and knowing Brendan as I did, I knew that SDSU folks would be some of the nicest I have had the pleasure of meeting and you guys definitely did not disappoint.  A couple of observations though: 1) I was told I was a tall person, but not in South Dakota, 2) I am not sure how breweries manage to supply your needs on a daily basis because you guys destroyed The Local, and 3) you guys know how to party.  That night doing karaoke, getting to meet you, having some folks come up and say “Hey are you The Rev?  Thanks for supporting us, and I love hearing your show too” was almost surreal, and it was definitely a night I did not want to see end.

After two fun days with SDSU fans, recording a live podcast for FCS Fans Nation, dropping Brendan off at your pep rally and seeing the sure volume of people waiting in line to enter, I knew the tailgate Sunday and the atmosphere at Toyota Stadium would be absolutely electric.  Getting up at the crack of dawn, packing my bag so I could fly home, putting on the bunny suit to the amusement of folks, and getting to the lot fueled my excitement and I was ready to go, and seeing so many fans in blue arrive was awesome and overwhelming at the same time. I was able to meet and interact with so many Jacks fans at that tailgate, and the absolute kindness of the people I met was bar-none.  I was able to stumble to other tailgates, not because of alcohol, but due to trying to see through a bunny mask, and I met the Jack Wagons, and so many others.  The events of that tailgate set the table for a great afternoon of football.

When I took my seat in the end zone with the other members of FCS Fans Nation, I noticed that our “Rainbow Row” wasn’t so much of a rainbow as quite a few of the podcasters were wearing blue in support of SDSU pulling it off, and I also noticed that there was a lot more blue and yellow than green and yellow in the stands.  I would like to think it was due to niceness of the SDSU fan base but I also know it was due to everyone wanting to see NDSU go down.

As the afternoon went on, as it became clearer and clearer that the Jacks were going to hoist the trophy, I was being asked if I was going to rush the field first in the bunny suit and I demurred.  I wanted SDSU alumni, fans, family to be the first to touch the turf in celebration.  I did ask some folks if they would be cool with me running with them and they said “You’re one of us now” so I made my way on to the field (and on to TikTok) and celebrated for a bit with the fans before adjourning to the stands to watch the revelry and pure joy that was occurring on the field on a beautiful January afternoon.

I wasn’t able to stay long and celebrate as I had to get on a plane back home, but I told the JI folks that I would come to Brookings for a game, because I wanted to experience the hospitality of Jacks Nation, and that leads to why you read this post.  I will be coming up the Montana State game on September 9th and I cannot wait to see how it is in Brookings versus how it was in Frisco.  I look forward to seeing each and every one of you who read this, or who have watched/listened to my podcast, or who have interacted on twitter or other social media, or whom I was able to meet at the National Championship.  Let’s have a beer or a pudding shot and enjoy the day. GBGBGJ!

Go Jacks! (SFA and SDSU)

The Rev, Dustin Helton

(Note: this was not a paid article, nor did Matt have to say something nice about me)

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