I don’t have an actual vote but if I did here is how it would go. I’m only selecting first teams but I am including guys that I considered in the “Honorable Mention” category. My selections are a combination of the “eye test” and also the stats as listed on the MVFC website.
QB: Mark Gronowski (SDSU)
- HM: Cam Miller (NDSU)
RB: Isaiah Davis (SDSU) & Mason Blakemore (Illinois St)
- HM: Travis Theis (USD), Tyshon King (YSU)
WR: Raylen Sharpe (Missouri St.), Daniel Sobkowicz (Illinois St), Jadon Janke (SDSU)
- HM: Bryce Oliver (YSU), Sam Schnee (UNI), Bo Belquist (UND), and Carter Bell (USD)
All-Purpose: RaJa Nelson (NDSU)
- HM: Amar Johnson
TE: Cam Grandy (Illinois State) and JJ Galbreath (USD)
- HM: Zach Heins (SDSU)
OL: Garret Greenfield (SDSU), Mason McCormick (SDSU), Gus Miller (SDSU), Jalen Sundell (NDSU) Jaison Williams (YSU)
- HM: Isaac Erbes (USD), Grey Zabel (NDSU)
DL: Cade Terveer (SDSU), Brendan Webb (USD), Khristian Boyd (UNI), and Dylan Wuedtke (YSU)
- HM: Nick Gaes (USD), Ryan Van Marel (SDSU), and Dylan Hendricks (NDSU)
LB: Jason Freeman (SDSU), Amir Abdullah (Illinois State) , Brock Mogensen (USD), Logan Kopp (NDSU)
- HM: Alex Howard (YSU), Isaiah Stalbird (SDSU), Stephen Hillis (USD), Garret Ollendieck (Indiana State)
CB: Myles Harden (USD) and Dalys Beanum (SDSU)
- HM: DJ Johnson (SIU), DyShawn Gales (SDSU), Woo Governor (UNI)
S: Cole Wisniewski (NDSU) and PJ Jules (SIU)
- Todric McGee (Missouri State) and Tucker Large (SDSU)
Special Teams
Kicker: Matthew Cook (UNI)
- HM: Will Leyland (USD)
Punter: Hunter Dustman (SDSU)
- HM: Grant Burkett (Missouri State
Punter Return: Tucker Large (SDSU)
- HM: Jayden Price (NDSU)
Kick Return: Amar Johnson (SDSU)
- Dakota Caton (Indiana State)
Offensive Player of the Year: Mark Gronowski (SDSU)
Defensive Player of the Year: PJ Jules (SIU)
Freshman Player of the Year: Tye Niekamp (illinois State)
Coach of the Year: Bob Nielson (USD)
Go Jacks!