What to Watch: WIU

Jack Illustrated

What to Watch: WIU

Hanson Field
  • Houston, We have a Problem

Dennis Houston had a great spring that has carried over to this fall. He was held in check by Indiana State last week but has otherwise had a great season. The Jackrabbits are coming off a game where they were unable to stop SIUs Landon Lenoir (10 rec, 143 yards, 2 TD). Time and time again SIU went to Lenoir and the Jacks were not able to respond. Houston is in the same ballpark as Lenoir. The Jacks have to have a plan in place to limit his production. Can they respond this week?

  • Discipline

The Jackrabbits have just not been disciplined in their play or actions this season. Last week it cost the team on multiple occasions. It has to improve if this team wants to be considered a serious contender. HERO Sports writer Sam Herder had this quote from his weekly rankings, “The Jacks are just too inconsistent in-game with mental lapses, even in some of their blowout wins (which they could afford then, but it proved costly against SIU) to have me picking them against any of the Top 5 teams right now.” Hopefully the team starts to change that narrative this week.

  • #ChainGang Control

WIUs offensive line is the weak link of their high powered defense. In his weekly press conferences, Coach Stig has mentioned that the defensive line is banged up following the matchup with the Salukis. WIU is not good at running the ball and they have allowed 22 sacks in six games. Who steps up on the defensive line for the Jackrabbits and makes an impact on this game? We’re excited to see the strength of the Jackrabbit defense against this WIU group.

  • Get Amar Involved

Last week Amar Johnson had just one carry. That is not enough. Pierre had 25 carries and that is likely the max that the team wants from him. Amar can handle more and has played well when give the opportunities. The Jacks should look to control the ball and play keep away from the WIU offense. That will require a secondary ball carrier besides Pierre and Amar is that guy. Give him the ball and let him show what he can do.

Go Jacks!

Ben, Brendan, Chad, Dallas, Kyle, Matt

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