This is coming to you a day early as all of us will be on the road or already in Texas tomorrow. The Jackrabbits take on the Grizzlies on Sunday after at 1pm in what should be a terrific game. The Montana preview was released on Monday and highlighted the great defense and explosive offense they possess. In order for the Jackrabbits to win, here are the things the JI team thinks they need to do.
Managing the Gap
The Griz offensive line plays with yard and a half splits which is unusual and something the Jacks haven’t faced this season. How do the Jackrabbits attack this offensive line? The Jacks love to stunt and loop and with gaps that wide, it could create some HUGE lanes for the Montana run game. What adjustments do the Jacks make? We are all curious to find out.
Contain McDowell
In the regular season McDowell was at his best when he was a threat to run and pass. Against Furman and NDSU he did not play with the same aggressiveness and tried to stay in the pocket. He’s had three weeks to adjust his game and gameplan for this defense. For Montana to beat SDSU, we feel that McDowell has to attack this defense with both his arm and legs. The Jacks have struggled with mobile quarterbacks over the years but this year have been better. What will happen on Sunday?
Win Special Teams
This game features two phenomenal kick and punt return groups. Junior Bergen and Tucker Large are two of the best in the FCS. Amar Johnson is a terrific kick returner for the Jacks as is Bergen for Montana. At some point, the coverage units will have to make a play/tackle. Which unit cracks first may go a long way in determining who wins. Montana is playing in this game because of how electric Bergen has been. The easy answer according to Jackrabbit fans is to not kick to Bergen. Easier said than done so the Jackrabbit coverage units must be ready.
The Distraction Factor
It has been reported that Offensive Coordinator, Zach Lujan is the top choice for the same position at FBS Northwestern. How does this affect the team? The loss to Montana State in 2022 has been blamed on a lack of preparation/focus because it was rumored that Eck was off to Idaho. Will it have the same effect this year? We don’t think so with this experienced squad but who knows. On top of all that, Frisco is filled with a lot of extras things that the players aren’t necessarily used to on a typical gameday. Sure, they have been there before but there also may be some complacency in that.
Neutralize the Gubner
Alex Gubner is a terrific nose tackle and he will be lining up across from The Remington Award winner in Gus Miller. He is big and powerful and at times I’m sure a guard will have to help. Montana blitzes ALOT and will send linebackers quite often. The #605Hogs have to be ready and up to the challenge. Gubner has the potential to be a game wrecker and force turnover worthy plays. It will be up to Mark to navigate the pocket and take care of the ball.

See you all in Frisco!
Go Jacks!
Alex, Ben, Brendan, Chad, Dallas, and Matt