What to Watch: YSU

Jack Illustrated

What to Watch: YSU

Image by Hannah Owens/The Owens Effect

Youngstown State presents a huge challenge this week for the Jackrabbits. This is a good MVFC team with an explosive offense and strong defensive front 7. The game is at 11am central and the Jacks are coming off of two emotional rivalry wins. Can the Jackrabbits prevail with all of the challenges this matchup presents? Certainly, but they do need to play well. Here are the things we are watching!

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Stop the Run

The blueprint for this one follows the blueprint for the matchup with UNI. Make YSU one dimensional and shutdown their run. Yes, YSU can run the ball pretty well (definitely better than UNI) but we think our front 7 can slow them down or shut them down altogether. Part of this also depends on if YSU will have their preferred starting center, Aidan Parker available. If the Jacks can stop the run and make YSU one dimensional, it will allow the safeties to stay a little further back and the corners to focus on their man vs. run support.

Finish in the Redzone

The Jackrabbit offense sputtered in plus territory last week and kicked 4 field goals. This week, we want to see the offense finish their drives. There are just so many weapons on this offense that it seems like this group shouldn’t be stopped. Frankly, it has been rare that they have been stopped. More frequently they have hurt themselves with penalties. Let’s be perfect or near perfect in the redzone this week.

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Establish the LOS and win the TOP

YSU comes into this one, second in the FCS in time of possession. They do this by staying balanced on offense and running the ball behind their mammoth offensive line. Offensively, the #605Hogs need to win against a deep and experienced Penguin defensive line. They have been excellent all year but this is a really good front 7 for YSU. If YSU can slow down the Jackrabbit run game it could really disrupt the Jackrabbit offense.


The Jacks have been excellent again this year at forcing turnovers. Fumbles and interceptions change the course of the game. YSU has shown the ability to hang tight in games but turning them over and then scoring afterwards is huge in any game but one with an explosive offense like YSU would be huge. The Jackrabbit secondary has been tremendous at catching the balls that should turn into interceptions. Do it again this week!

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Find a Pass Rush

This doesn’t mean sacks but this does mean getting in Davidson’s face and getting pressure on him consistently. As Matt mentioned in “Rants & Raves”, it’s time to try something different in pass rushing situations. The Jackrabbits simply aren’t winning enough. If the YSU QB, Mitch Davidson, is able to hangout in the pocket for an extended period of time, he has the ability to pick a secondary apart. The Jacks need to get to him and hit him.

Defensive Response

Obviously, we have highlighted the defense plenty in this one. Coach Rogers was obviously not happy with his defense in the NDSU game saying that “they made Cam Miller look like Cam Newton” and he also chose not to name a defensive player of the week from the linebackers and secondary. That should light a fire for some inspired play!

Go Jacks!

Alex, Ben, Brendan, Chad, Dallas, and Matt

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